About Me

Hello! My name is Haziqah and in the moment of writing this page, I am a twenty something year old student writer in her second year at university. I am a lover of cats, makeup, food, BTOB, Kwon Jiyong and all things extraordinary. There's not much to say about me really, but I can't exactly sum up an 'about me' page with three lines, can I?

I am a creative writing and journalism student based in London. I am also a part timer marketing executive at a hotel, somewhere in London. If you ever happen to see me walking around London, I probably look like I'm in a rush with my earphones, sometimes singing to myself.

I am from a town called Shah Alam from the ever so beautiful, Malaysia where it's always hot and sunny. I have a thing for all things minimal from makeup to fashion to design and monochrome. I am a Muslim.

I enjoy reading, writing, and spending my days watching endless of movies, YouTube or K-dramas where I usually daydream about being in love with the lead actor. I am a real party goer, huh? This blog was created as a platform for me to write, as I've always enjoyed writing from fiction to my everyday life.

In this blog, I write mostly about my personal interests such as books, beauty, music, movie, fashion, food, places that I have been to and would love to go to, wishlists and advice through my life's adventures and experiences. I also have another blog dedicated to my writing. I am going to try and post twice a week on this blog, and three times a week on my Wordpress. So if you fancy a read of my fictional writing, head on over there.

I think that pretty much sums up about me. If you have any questions, you may (if you want to) send me an email at h_paperrairplanes@hotmail.com or haziqah@hotmail.co.uk. Enjoy!

Photos by: Sarah Haque
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